Jan 19, 2009

How to Enjoy A Monday Morning


Many people dread Monday morning because of undesired/unfulfilled jobs and the lack of desire or uncertainty to make a significant change. It can be scary to make a change but it is important for both personal and professional growth. Take a few minutes and review the following tips:
  1. Attend a library or small business administration lecture/workshop. Small Business mentors may be available to help you review possible business options
  2. Borrow book from the library about different businesses. Most libraries allow you borrow for up to 1 month so you have time to write down notes in a notepad. Also, you can purchase books/magazines and make notes in the margins.
  3. Consider taking vacation and adding a day to explore business/career ideas. For instance, if you visit Mexico you can explore working as a tour guide, hotel manager, or retail store owner. By investing in good technology (computer/internet/phone/printer/fax), you can choose a non-traditional job such as creative writer, career coach, or online tutor.
  4. Discover your talents by volunteering. Many non-profit organizations are understaffed and will welcome cross training you. For example, a good magazine writer earning $200.00 per article may gain the skills to become a press release writer who charges up to $300.00 per release.
  5. Watch for business/workforce trends to detemrine areas of future growth. Some areas of constant need are business, children, education, environment, and medical. A current schoolteacher may switch to a private tutoring and purchase a franchise or a medical biller can become a management consultant while managing 4-6 offices billing up to $100,000 a year.

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