Jan 19, 2009

The I-Can't-Find-A-Job-Guide to Finding a New Job


Looking for a new job? Finding it hard? Here is a quick guide to the job search, from someone in your shoes, that might just help.

Tenacity, Courage and Bravery

Like most things in life - job searching requires effort. Lots of it. Having been in the job "market," before and looking for work it took me quite a while finding my last job. I am currently looking for a new job as I am resigning from my current one due to stress.

Three things that are an absolute necessity - bravery, courage and tenacity - you need these three frames of mind if you are about to look for work. Rejection and failure are high on the agenda so adopt a brave face and get going.

250 applications and counting

The last time I hunted for work I applied for a whopping 250 positions. Eventually, I walked into my current job and was hired on the spot. This only happened when I had reached my limit of endurance and tried a different way. Be prepared to think outside the square to land you new work.

Thinking outside the square includes:

- Try a variety of job searching methods - walk into companies and ask. Don't rely on a single method

- Ask everyone; the more people you ask the more chances you have. Lose your pride and be bold.

- There many ways to skin a cat - use emails, online job sites, like seek.com, the phone, local drop ins etc.

Suspension of disbelief

One way to help you improve your chances of finding a new job is to adopt an actors stance. Tell yourself, "I am an actor, I am playing a role, I am suspending my disbelief." That goes back to bravery again. Pretend you are simply playing a part in a play and that way you won't take the emotional rejection so hard. Find a friend, skilled at acting, to coach you through your new role as the job seeker.

Don't take it personally

Everyone has been in your shoes. Remember this. Few people have ever found finding work a breeze. If people give you the brush off - don't take it personally. Companies and people have their own reasons for not hiring you. They also have reasons for hiring you. If you don't take it personally, you will end up being in the right place at the right time on day, and you will hear the words, "You are hired!"

Be optimistic and try a variety of things.

Ask yourself, "What is a job?" Is a job:

- Nine-to-Five, Monday-to-Friday?

- Is a job a part-time role?

- Is a job casual, is it important to me, does my life depend on it?

What is a job to you? Write down what you think the very act of, "having a job," means to you.

Keep the blood flowing - VOLUNTEER

People will always hire a volunteer. Okay, so you are not getting paid but you are working. Volunteering can be satisfying, builds your confidence and keeps you in the work place. In many cases it will lead to paid employment if you are in the right place at the right time.

Girlfriend, are you listening?

Nothing more comforting, more fun and more confidence building is getting together with friends at the cafe and pouring out your innermost thoughts about your dire situation. That's what friends are for. Try to get this struggle of your chest with girlfriends, mates and even a social help line like, lifeline. Talk away your blues, seek a councillor and you will be able to move on.

The numbers game

Finding work is a numbers game. The more jobs you apply for the more chance you have of success. Apply for as much as you can and one day ONE job will be THAT job, that you win.

Defeat isn't neat and victory is sweet

Don't let it all take over your mind and soul. Keep it light and fun. Job Searching is a struggle if you adopt a struggle mindset. Lighten up, watch a funny movie and have fun with the job hunt process - defeat is never your best option.

These days there are so many types of careers. Try some instant careers to get you earning money while you look for a more serious role. These instant jobs include:


-Dog Walking

-Lemonade stands with the kids

-Garage sales


...and many more. I made hand-made T-shirts with a friend once and I actually made hundred and hundred of dollars.

Most of all the job hunt is a hard work and rejection is a possibility. Keep going, don't lose heart and try to have fun with it if you can. Be Strong and Good luck!

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