Jan 19, 2009

How to Write a proper resume and cover letter


The first step in writing a proper resume is the cover letter. Write each cover letter specifically for the company and/or position you are seeking. Next, write Your name, The address where you can be reached, Phone number, Fax number (if applicable), and E-mail address. Skip a line and write the full date (month, day, year). Name of the specific person, title of that person (if available), and the Address of the company.

Here is an example of what it should look like: Robert Smith 5560 Park drive New york, New york 22230 (810)-555-5555 email @anywhere.com May 2, 2008 Ken Williams, Human Resource Director Northern Electric, Inc. 3525 Long Lane Atlanta, Georgia 30052

Now comes your resume. A resume is not about what you want; It's about what you offer an employer." The resume will determine who gets a job interview. Your resume is a mini-statement about yourself. First, start with Your "summary of skills", this should highlight experiences and qualifications that the employer is seeking. Focus on work experience, and list professional experience in order from most to least recent. Your computer skills will be particularly attractive and should be highlighted. Also, consider your volunteer and extracurricular experience.

Use strong action verbs and leave out the word "I. Your resume should be one page only. Don't misrepresent your past -- it will come back to haunt you. There is a difference between making the most of your experience and exaggerating or falsifying it. Emphasize your talents and show how you used them at the job. Don't mention personal characteristics such as age, height, and marital status on your resume. Avoid unusual or exotic font styles; use simple fonts with a professional look. Check your resume for proper grammar and correct spelling. Finally, Close with a strong reminder of why you are a good match for the job positioin and the organization. Thank them! Sign your name and print it underneath.

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